Radio Drives Car Buyers to Dealer Sites and Showrooms
December 19, 2018A new study from Nielsen and the Southern California Broadcasters Association reveals that adults who are in the market for a vehicle are three times more likely to make a purchase at a dealership after hearing their ad on the radio.
The study also shows that radio influences other aspects of the customer journey, driving listeners to websites for information on models and dealerships. More than half (53%) of potential auto buyers searched online for more information or visited a specific dealership’s site after hearing a radio ad.
A deeper look during the study illustrated how the right Radio creative changed the perception of dealerships and helped them to stand out among the competition. Over half of all listeners and three-fourths of auto buyers felt that the radio spots they heard “made me think the dealer was really different.” 78% of auto buyers who heard the dealer’s Radio ad felt that the dealer had a “great selection,” 72% said the dealer offered a “competitive price” and 70% felt the dealership was “one you could trust.”
“If you’re in the market for a vehicle, radio makes your intention and consideration and your opinion jump even higher,” says Thom Callahan, President of SCBA.